Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company & Insolvency, Competition Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Land & Property Law, Regulatory & Disciplinary, Tort & Personal Injuries
Sharon Ng
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2015 (Hong Kong)
Sharon is a versatile advocate with both practical experiences in conducting criminal cases and civil cases. Her areas of expertise include Criminal Law, Commercial Litigation, Land Law, WTO Government Procurement, Company Law, Intellectual Properties, Personal Injuries and Tort.

Before practicing as a barrister, Sharon worked as a biomedical engineer and a loss adjuster. She has extensive experience in handling personal injuries cases and insurance claims.
Sharon is a versatile advocate with both practical experiences in conducting criminal cases and civil cases. Since she has called to the Bar, Sharon has worked on cases involving criminal, personal injuries, land, contractual disputes, civil fraud, commercial and company law. Sharon has been instructed to provide legal opinions on SFC matters, commercial disputes and personal injuries claims. She also advises on public procurement or tendering issues under the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement.
She is a committee member in the Committee on Legal Aid Reform (since March 2022) and Standing Committee on Civil Education (Since February 2019) of Hong Kong Bar Association. She also teaches PCLL course at City University of Hong Kong. She also holds various honorary legal advisory roles for charities in Hong Kong and Incorporated Owners of Corporation.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
PCLL University of Hong Kong
JD, City University of Hong Kong
Academic Qualifications:
BEng (Hons), Imperial College
Languages spoken:
Cantonese. English
Cases involved in:
HKSAR v. Ho Hiu Long [2022] 5 HKLRD 808 (magistracy appeal concerning the element of hostile intent in common assault)
Secretary for Justice v. Poon Yung Wai [2022] 4 HKLRD 1002 (sentencing concerning the offence of “inciting others to take part in an unlawful assembly”)
Competition Commission v W. Hing Construction Company Limited [2019] HKLRD 46 (alleged market sharing & price sharing)
RPB SA (a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Argentina) v. Xinwangyi Trade Ltd and others HCA150/2020 (summary judgment and commercial injunction)
“Litigation Conduct: No Litigation by Correspondence – Well… What About Taxation by Correspondence?”, Hong Kong Lawyers (January 2021)
Sharon Ng (Co-author with Mr. Andrew Wheeler QC)