Administrative & Public Law, Arbitration, Chancery, Chinese Customary Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company & Insolvency, Competition Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Public and Private International Law, Land & Property Law, Mediation, Probate & Administration, Regulatory & Disciplinary, Tax Law, Tort & Personal Injuries
Sam Ng
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2021 (Hong Kong)
Sam is developing a broad civil, criminal, and matrimonial practice. He is fluent in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin and is capable of undertaking work in these languages.

Sam is developing a broad civil, matrimonial, and criminal practice. He has appeared as a sole advocate in different levels of courts including before the Court of Appeal, as well as being a led junior.
Sam served pupillage with Mr Robin Egerton, Mr Joseph Lee, Mr Carter Chim, Mr Timothy Parker, and Ms Theresa Chow.
Sam is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Before joining the Bar, Sam served as a marshal to the Hon Mr Justice Zervos J.A. at the Court of Appeal; Her Honour Judge Melloy at the Family Court; Rt Hon Lord Justice McFarlane and the Hon Mr Justice MacDonald at the Court of Appeal and the Family Division of the High Court of England and Wales respectively.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
2017, LLB, University of Nottingham
2019, PCLL, City University of Hong Kong
2020, LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, University of Hong Kong (Distinction)
Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb)
Member, Hong Kong Family Law Association
Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:
2019, PCLL Dean’s List for Distinction
2019, UGC-funded place for PCLL
Languages spoken:
Cantonese, English, Mandarin (fluent)
Cases involved in:
CHUNG PUI TONG v QIAN ZHEN [2024] 5 HKC 441; [2024] HKCA 593
- Sole advocate before the Court of Appeal
- Contractual estoppel; undue influence; interpretation and implication of a consent order made in matrimonial proceedings
- Led by Ms Theresa Chow
- Successfully procured the dismissal of proceedings for an injunction to restrain a creditor to present a winding-up petition against a company where the creditor has separately commenced a civil action against the company on the same debt
海德國際財務有限公司 v 張志傑 [2025] HKDC 190
- Sole advocate in a 2-day trial at the District Court
- Claim of common intention constructive trust and resulting trust
HCA 476/2022
- Led by Mr Au Lut Chi
- Successfully obtained summary judgment in a claim seeking recovery of two employees’ misappropriation of the employer’s assets and had set up a rival business against the employer.
LDBM 6/2024
- Sole advocate in a 1-day trial at the Lands Tribunal
- Proceedings were withdrawn at trial but successfully obtained costs order against the respondent.
LDBM 203/2022
- Sole advocate before the Lands Tribunal
- Successfully opposed an application for an injunction to restrain a chairman of the incorporated owners to enforce a resolution of the annual general meeting.
CHUI v CHENG [2023] 3 HKLRD 950; [2023] HKCA 774
- Led by Ms Theresa Chow up to the oral hearing. Sole advocate at the oral hearing.
- Re-trial; case management; and allegation of bias against the trial judge
FCMC 614/2020
- [2025] HKFC 34 – Led junior in a 5-day trial on an application under section 17 of the MPPO (Cap. 192) (led by Ms Madeleine Booth)
- Sole advocate in successfully opposing an application made by a spouse under rule 121 of the MCR (Cap. 179A) to seek leave to use documents obtained in matrimonial proceedings for the purposes of separate civil proceedings against the other spouse
FCMC 8916/2023
- Led by Ms Theresa Chow in a FDR hearing that resulted in a settlement.
HCA 1946/2023
- Sole advocate. Successfully obtained summary judgment before Master in enforcing a UK ancillary relief award in Hong Kong
香港特別行政區 訴 梁景祥 [2024] 3 HKC 713; [2023] HKCA 1244
- Led by Ms Sezen Chong and assigned by the Director of Legal Aid
- Appeal against the length of driving disqualification on the ground that the appellant was remanded for a significant period prior to conviction