Commercial Law, Arbitration, Mediation, Construction & Engineering Disputes, Defamation, Intellectual Property, Company & Insolvency, Tort & Personal Injuries, Family Law, Land & Property Law, Trust Law, Probate & Administration
Richard Sham
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2012 (Hong Kong), 2002 (Solicitor: NSW, Australia)
Richard has an advocacy and advisory practice covering a broad range of commercial chancery works and other areas.

Richard appears in a wide range of Courts and Tribunals, both as a sole advocate and as a junior. In addition to his civil practice, Richard also conducts prosecutions for the Department of Justice and acts as a defence counsel in various criminal cases. Richard is listed on both the HK Bar Association’s List of Mediators and HKMAAL’s List of General Mediators and has acted as a mediator in various cases in the areas of building and construction / renovation disputes, general commercial disputes, and negligence claims.
Before being called to the Bar, Richard practised as a solicitor in Sydney since 2002 until he joined IFPI in 2007 as an in-house lawyer working for the recording industry and he has particular experience advising international music companies on IP protection, licensing, enforcement and litigation.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
2009, Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law, Oxford University.
2005, LLM (Judicial Review; Administrative Law; Government Regulation; Environmental Law & Policy), Sydney University.
2001, Civil engineering and law degree, the University of New South Wales.
Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners
CEDR Accredited Mediator
HKMAAL Accredited General Mediator
Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:
2016, Home Affairs Bureau’s Recognition Scheme for Provision of Pro Bono Legal Services Award.
Languages spoken:
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Cases involved in:
Interlocutory Matters:
[HCA5913/1997] – a striking-out application
[HCA2210/2015] – set aside default judgment
[HCA92/2007] – admission of hearsay evidence
[HCA1359/2017] – leave to serve concurrent writ out of jurisdiction & resist a stay application
[DCCJ766/2017] – sought an injunction order
[HCA515/2019] – obtained declaration and injunction in default judgment application
[HCA1658/2018] – struck out part of witness statements
[HCB4855/2005] – annulment of a bankruptcy order
[HCCW360/2013] – creditor and the liquidator dispute
[HCMP377/2019] – a dispute between a mortgagee against a bankrupt defendant in an O.88 action
Building & Construction/Arbitration:
[HCCT54/2016] – challenged the court’s jurisdiction and advised a party in the arbitration proceedings
[DCCJ3993/2018] – a building contract dispute between a furniture manufacturer and a subcontractor
[DCCJ2702/2016] – an online libel case –
[HCA1658/2018] – a constructive trust case –
[HCA92/2007] – a property/trust dispute –
[HCMP1011/2000] – a property/trust case –
[HCMP192/2016] – an adverse possession case –
[HCMP903/2017] – sought a partition order under the Partition Ordinance
[HCA1637/2021] – acted and advised in a property / trust dispute
Fraud / Trust
[HCA1658/2018] – common intention constructive trust case
[HCA515/2019] – a fraudulent misrepresentation / constructive trust dispute
[HCA252/2020] – a fraud / money had and received / constructive trust dispute
[HCA467/2019] – a fraudulent misrepresentation / constructive trust dispute
Frequently acted as the mediator in civil matters at HKEMC mediation centre
[FCMC127/2019]; [FCMC7387/2019] – matrimonial cases
General Commercial / Contracts:
[DCCJ3590/2018] – a commercial tenancy dispute
[HCSA30/2016] – a Small Claims Tribunal appeal case
[DCCJ651/2017] – advice in a loan/investment contract dispute
[DCCJ997&1849/2020] – a commercial agreement dispute
[DCMP1869/2020] – a partnership dispute
[HCA1664/2021] – food supply contract dispute / debt recovery
[HCA1592/2021] – a conspiracy to defraud case
Matrimonial Matters
[FCMP70/2017] – Acted and advised in a PtIIA (MPPO) application
[FCMP175/2017] – Acted and advised in an application for financial relief
Personal Injuries
[DCPI618/2017] – Advised on quantum and appeared for the assessment of damages
[HCPI6/2016] – Advised on liability and quantum
[HCPI491/2017] – Advised on liability and quantum
[HCPI1013/2016] – Advised on quantum
[DCPI204/2018] – Acted and advised in a PI dispute between a subcontractor and the injured employee of a lighting supplier
(NOTE: This is NOT an exhaustive list.)