Administrative & Public Law, Arbitration, Chancery, Chinese Customary Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company & Insolvency, Competition Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Public and Private International Law, Land & Property Law, Mediation, Probate & Administration, Regulatory & Disciplinary, Tax Law, Tort & Personal Injuries, China Related Disputes
Ray W.F. Yip 葉偉鋒
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2021 (Hong Kong)
Ray is developing practice in a broad ranges of companies, commercial and contractual laws.

Prior to joining the Bar, Ray had worked in governmental regulators including the Hong Kong Monetary Authority for compliance and enforcement duties, assisting in compliance actions and law enforcement operations on market misconduct and general regulatory investigations etc. He had also spent some years in the Greater Bay Area for corporate development and had substantial experiences in collaboration with PRC central and local regulators on compliance matters.
Ray is enthusiastic about the judicial reform process of China and he had collaborated with some American and Chinese scholars and contributed to the publication of academic reference in comparative jurisprudence. He was appointed to a GBA court to take part in the adjudication of foreign-elements related commercial litigation between 2015 and 2020. He has been further invited by the local judiciary to work as an external consultant to the GBA Commercial Rules Connectivity Task Force since 2022.
Ray has developed substantive knowledge in the areas of companies, market misconduct, white collar crimes, chancery, international arbitration and commercial law especially with PRC elements involved and intends to build up a general practice in line with Chambers.
Practice Areas:
Academic Qualifications:
BSoSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LLB, University of Leeds, UK
LLM, City University of Hong Kong
PCLL, The University of Hong Kong
Member, the Hong Kong Bar Association’ Standing Committee on Mainland Affairs
Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK (MCIArb)
Member, Asian Academy of International Law
Languages spoken:
English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakka dialect (客家話)