
Griffith Cheng

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Year of call: 2020 (Hong Kong)

Griffith maintains a broad practice with an emphasis on civil and commercial litigation. He has experience appearing before all levels of court, including the Court of Final Appeal. Griffith is fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin and is capable of undertaking written and advocacy work in both English and Chinese.

‘A bright junior counsel and can deliver thorough research and persuasive argument, both written and orally.’ – Legal500

Griffith joined Gilt Chambers after completing his pupillage with Ms Yvonne Fong, Mr Alan Ng, Mr Martin Ho, Mr Mike Lui (now Mr Mike Lui SC) and Mr Martin Hui SC (on extension).

Upon obtaining his LLB and PCLL from the University of Hong Kong, Griffith pursued an LLM at the London School of Economics, specialising in Corporate and Commercial Law. During his tertiary years, Griffith worked as a research assistant in the areas of Medical Law and Public and Human Rights Law. He has also published journal articles spanning across Competition Law, Medical Law, Judicial Review, Privacy Rights and Civil Procedure.

Prior to joining the Bar, Griffith was a Judicial Assistant to the Court of Final Appeal from 2018 to 2019, where he assisted judges in drafting and research tasks for substantive appeals, leave applications and other engagements.

Griffith frequently appears as sole advocate (and also led junior) in civil proceedings at all levels of Court and has experience in tribunal hearings. Most recently, he acted for the successful respondent in the Court of Final Appeal case of Lui Ming Lok v Ng Im Fong Loretta, the executrix of the estate of Lui Kwan Cheung [2024] HKCFA 21. Griffith’s practice areas span across company and shareholder disputes, insolvency and bankruptcy, probate and administration, family, property, trust, civil fraud and asset tracing, arbitration, commercial and tort law and he accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.

Legal Qualifications:




Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:


2017 - 2018, Insolvency Law: Principles, Rescue and Reconstruction Processes, Top of the Class

2017 - 2018, Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot, 8 New Square Best Written Submissions; Herbert Smith Freehills 2nd Best Mooter; Preliminary Rounds Top Team; Team Quarter-Finalist

2017 - 2018, Atkin Chambers' Commercial Law Moot, Finalist

2017 - 2018, Ambassadors' Moot, Champion

2017 - 2018, ELSA Amicus Essay Prize (UK and Ireland), High Commendation

2016 - 2017, 6th Hong Kong Human Rights Moot, Team Champion, Best Skeleton, Best Oralist

2015 - 2016, C. H. Leong Prize in Medico-Legal Issues

2013 - 2014, Deans List

2013 - 2014, Haldanes' Criminal Law Mooting Competition, Finalist

2013 - 2014, Talent Development Scholarship

2013 - 2014, HKSARG Reaching Out Award

Languages spoken:

Cantonese, English, Mandarin

Cases involved in:

Probate & Administration

 Lui Ming Lok (雷明樂) v Ng Im Fong Loretta(伍艷芳), the executrix of the estate of Lui Kwan Cheung (雷均祥), Deceased under the Grant of Probate No. HCAG016896/2015 [2024] HKCFA 21: Acted for the successful respondent and affirmed the principle that mental incapacity suffered by a party to the marriage at the time of its celebration renders the marriage voidable, rather than void, under the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance Cap. 179 (Led by Audrey Eu SC and Au Lut Chi)

 In the Estate of Li Wun Yee HCCA 5726/2023: Passing over application. Procured the appointment of an independent professional as co-administrator of the deceased’s estate worth than HKD110 million in cash assets, excluding stockholding, shares and insurance policies (Sole advocate)

Lau Tung Hoi Kent v Lau Tung Kuen [2022] HKCFI 1921: 4-day trial on removal of executor of high value estate (Led by Au Lut Chi)


Commercial Law & Civil Fraud

Re Chen Junchao HCMP 1380/2024, HCA 2542/2024: Norwich Pharmacal and Bankers Trust reliefs against banks in respect of online fraud (Sole advocate)

 Li Dianxiao v Capital Century Textile Company Limited & Others HCA 751/2022: Acted for the 1st and 5th Defendants. Struck out the plaintiff’s claim on grounds of category 2 foreign illegality for unauthorised transfer-out of Mainland national assets (Sole advocate)

Shih Mei Ki v Greenwalker Global Ltd [2021] HKCFI 3697: Obtained section 740 order under the Companies Ordinance Cap. 622 for inspection of company documents (Sole advocate)


Tort, Personal Injuries & Medical Negligence

Wong Yan Kwok Henry v Lok Chi To DCPI 3590/2020: Clinical negligence over dental services spanning more than a decade (pending transfer to High Court). Resisted the Defendant’s applications to strike out for time-bar and to set aside protective writs (Sole advocate)

Re Madam Tsang Hau Yee for Liu Tsz Hei LAA 876/2021: Acted for a minor and obtained legal aid to commence medical negligence action against Queen Mary Hospital for surgical complications resulting in multiple neurological defects and brain damage (Sole advocate)

The Incorporated Owners of Allway Gardens v Lam Yuen Pun DCCJ 4624/2018: Defamation proceedings. Resisted application for indemnity costs (Sole advocate)

Advised on quantum and liability in personal injury matters


Trust Law

 Re Yieldful Securities Ltd [2023] 4 HKLRD 611: Handling and/or disposal of unclaimed trust assets pursuant to sections 56 and 62 of the Trustee Ordinance Cap. 29 (Sole advocate)

Quasar Securities Company Limited [2023] HKDC 196: Handling and/or disposal of unclaimed trust assets pursuant to sections 56 and 62 of the Trustee Ordinance Cap. 29 (Sole advocate)

Kwai Hung Securities Company Limited [2022] HKDC 1038: Handling and/or disposal of unclaimed trust assets pursuant to sections 56 and 62 of the Trustee Ordinance Cap. 29 (Sole advocate)


Family Law

LSK v KY & ORS (HCMC 6/2010): 5-Day trial on variation/Barder application of ancillary relief order (settled) (Led by Richard Khaw SC and Au Lut Chi)

KYCE v HA FCMP 15/2015: Attended CDR hearing in respect of care and control of a minor on issues including quantum of maintenance, visitation hours and schooling arrangements (Sole advocate)



NTT Devices America, Inc v QDE Trade Co. Limited & Others HCA 1287/2023: Procured full discharge of proprietary and Mareva injunctions by payment into court (Sole advocate)

 Incorporated Owners of Chuen Fung House v Persons occupying, remaining or using without the consent of the Plaintiff the external walls outside Shop C Ground Floor of the Chuen Fung House, 188-192 Johnston Road DCCJ 3469/2022: Obtained an interlocutory injunction (i) restraining unauthorized access, encroachment and trespass of the external walls of a building and (ii) ordering the removal of specified obstructions (Sole advocate)


Bankruptcy & Insolvency

Re Au Kam Man Raymond HCB 574/2024: Obtained a non-commencement order pursuant to sections 30AB and AC of the Bankruptcy Ordinance Cap. 6 on behalf of the joint and several trustees against an unco-operative bankrupt (Sole Advocate)

Tsang Shek Hing v Wong Chi Kan [2023] HKCFI 64: Acted for the Petitioner and obtained a bankruptcy order in respect of the Respondent’s failure to repay investment sums (Sole advocate)

Re Silver Base Group Holdings Limited [2022] HKCFI 1241: Acted for supporting creditor in the winding-up petition of a listed company (eventually wound-up) (Sole advocate)



Ah-Fat Jean Max v Xian Corp Limited [2021] HKCFI 22: Acted for the successful respondent in a labour tribunal appeal hearing involving contractual interpretation of payment clauses (Led by Mike Lui)

“A Curious Case of HK Judicial Review on Appeal Procedures, One Too Many?” (2017) Nottingham Law Journal Vol 26 115-119

Griffith Cheng (Author)


“An Economic Perspective on the Inherent Plausibility and Frequency of Predatory Pricing: The Case for More Aggressive Regulation” European Competition Journal (2020), DOI: 10.1080/17441056.2020.1770478

Griffith Cheng (Author)


“Excessive Stay Applications in Litigating Experimental Treatment Decisions: The Case of Charlie Gard” (2019) McGill Journal of Law and Health Vol 12(2) 247

Griffith Cheng (Author)


“Legal Developments on the Right to be Forgotten – Is the Time Ripe for Hong Kong?” (2017) Hong Kong Law Journal Vol 47 847-870

Griffith Cheng (Author)


“Unravelling Gagging Orders: A Step in the Right Direction” (2018) Civil Justice Quarterly Vol 37 20-30

Griffith Cheng (Author)


Centre for Comparative and Public Law Human Rights Bulletin, Volume 4 Issue 2 & Volume 5 Issue 1

Griffith Cheng (Contributor)

2016 - 2017

Centre for Comparative and Public Law Newsletter January – July 2016

Griffith Cheng (Student Editor)


The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (Crimes Ordinance (Cap.200))

Griffith Cheng (Contributor)


The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (Defamation Ordinance (Cap.21))



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