Gilt Chambers maintains high standards for its members and enjoys a high degree of collegiality amongst members of chambers.
Gilt Chambers provides pupillage opportunities to those with genuine intellectual curiosity, high academic standards and a dedication to make a positive contribution to the law. Gilt Chambers understands the importance of nurturing talent, and providing its pupils with an environment where they can hone their talents and have a promising career at the Bar. Gilt Chambers encourages applicants to indicate the area of law in which they wish to practice in, so pupils can be paired up with a pupil master in that field, to make their time at Gilt Chambers more enjoyable and rewarding. In most cases, pupils apply for two 3-month periods of pupillage with different pupil masters to gain more exposure to different areas of law and styles of advocacy.
In the past, Gilt Chambers has offered tenancies to pupils who have demonstrated an eagerness to excel in their chosen career, and who have the talent which enhances Gilt Chambers’ reputation as one of the leading Chambers in Hong Kong.
If you are seeking to practise as a barrister and are interested in applying for pupillage, please make an application using the attached form on or before 30 November of the year preceding the intended commencement of your pupillage and submit it to your intended pupil master(s) directly.
Before submitting your application, please familiarise yourself with our pupillage policy and the relevant guidelines given by the Hong Kong Bar Association. We will only consider applications that comply with the terms of the form and the pupillage policy.
Mini Pupillage

If you are interested in practising as a barrister and are considering applying for pupillage at Gilt Chambers, we strongly recommend that you undertake a mini pupillage in these Chambers. Applicants should submit a covering letter by email to your intended pupil master(s) directly, and include all supporting documents such as academic results, transcripts, copies of certificates or any other information you wish to provide. Applications for summer mini pupillages should reach us on or before 30 April. Applications for winter mini pupillages should reach us on or before 30 October. Enquiries regarding mini pupillage may be made by email.
Members of Gilt Chambers’ have a diverse range of backgrounds and experience. Many hold qualifications outside of law, or have worked in other industries and apply this wide range of knowledge to their everyday practice.
Practice Areas
Our members have a wide range of practice areas within Hong Kong and internationally.