Administrative & Public Law, Civil Law, Company & Insolvency, Criminal Law, Family Law, Land & Property Law, Tort & Personal Injuries
MA Chun-man, Amos
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2015 (Hong Kong)
Amos has gained exposure in general civil and criminal law, personal injuries, family and construction law.

On the criminal side, Amos is regularly conducting trials and handling short matters in the Magistracies. He has also appeared in the Court of Appeal, conducted legal visits, etc. On the civil side, Amos has experience working in the Lands Tribunal, Family Court and other short applications before Masters and Judges.
Prior joining the Bar, Amos had worked over 8 years in the Government. Whilst in the Lands Department, he was a Lands Executive responsible for handling general land matters on Government Land and approving Small Houses.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
2014, PCLL, City University of Hong Kong
2013, JD, City University of Hong Kong
Academic Qualifications:
2012, Land Administration Course, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2002, MSc (Information Technology for Manufacture), University of Warwick
2001, BEng (Mechanical Engineering), University of Warwick
Languages spoken:
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Cases involved in:
RE Mohammad Palash [2018] HKCA 417
MVO Management LTD v. The Incorporated Owners of Ascot Tower (Village Road) [2018] HKCA 177
香港特別行政區 訴 余志釗 [2017] HKLRD 4009 (CA)
Chui Kwok Ying v Chui Sui Kiu Kik & Another [2016] 2 HKC 296 (CFI)
MVO Management LTD v. The Incorporated Owners of Ascot Tower (Village Road) DCCJ 1311/2015