Administrative & Public Law, Animal Law, Arbitration, Chancery, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company & Insolvency, Criminal Law, Defamation, Employment Law, Family Law, Land & Property Law, Mediation, Probate & Administration, Regulatory & Disciplinary, Trust Law
Erica Xi
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2022 (Hong Kong)
Erica is developing a broad civil, criminal and matrimonial practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.

Erica joined Gilt Chambers in 2022 after completing pupillage with Mr Osmond Lam, Mr Robin Egerton, Ms Sabrina Ho, Mr Jeffrey Li and Mr Foster Yim.
She graduated with an LLB from the University of Bristol. She then worked at the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) before she pursued a GDL at the University of Law with Distinction.
Erica has appeared in Court as sole advocate for criminal matters, and as junior counsel, and regularly accepts instructions for advisory work.
She is capable of undertaking written and advocacy work in both English and Chinese. She is developing a broad civil, criminal and matrimonial practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
PCLL, University of Hong Kong (2021)
GDL (Distinction), University of Law (2020)
LLB (Hons), University of Bristol (2017)
Member, Hong Kong Family Law Association
Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:
UGC-Funded Place for PCLL (2021)
Cases involved in:
Criminal Law
HKSAR v. Lin Tzu-Chia and another [2023] HKDC 386 – appeared on behalf of the 2nd defendant involving offences of conspiracy to deal with property known or believed to represent proceeds of an indictable offence (led by Mr Benson Tsoi)
Family Law
MY v. FT [2022] HKCFI 2001– assisted in an application for location orders (as pupil, with Mr Jeffrey Li)
CXW v. WY [2022] HKFC 153 – assisted in opposing an application for leave to appeal and stay of execution (as pupil, with Mr Jeffrey Li, led by Ms Audrey Eu SC)